Dear Christy,
Thank you for informing me about your decision to run
for county commissioner
Precint1. First I want you to know that you have my full
support in your
election effort. While working with you over the many
years, I have learned to
appreciate your outstanding leadership, talents and
integrity. One of your most
notable accomplishments was the transfer of the
Tangelwood Lake property to the
individual property owners of the lake. I believe your
efforts transformed
Tangelwood into a vibrant and solid community. It was a
pleasure working with
you on this important transaction. You’re other work and
efforts dealing with
EMS, fire fighting and other important county issues
reveals your dedication to
this important job.
I also believe that your presence as county commissioner
would greatly enhance
precinct 1, especially River Falls subdivision. My dream
is to make south
Amarillo and River Falls one on the most unique areas in
Texas. There is no
doubt that with your leadership this can definitely be
Again I am extremely fired up about your campaign. I
give you my pledge to help
in any way possible.
Tully Currie
President River Falls Subdivision