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To the voters of Randall County Precinct 1:

This is my letter of recommendation for Christy Dyer, whom I have known for more 
than 26 years.

She has been a true and loyal friend. Not only have we associated in a social 
atmosphere, but I have also witnessed her extremely competent ability when she 
was on the Board of Directors and on the church board here at Lake Tanglewood. 
We could not possibly have a more intelligent person elected to the Randall 
County Commission. She is determined, fair, and will study all issues to the nth 
degree. She has already been attending the Commission meetings for several 
months to familiarize herself with the budget and other concerns facing the 
Randall County residents. She is energetic and diligent and will devote more 
than whatever time is required to do the job asked of her.

   Dottie Nation


Each issue is important to someone. Each decision affects everyone. I want to be the voice for everyone.

Political advertising paid for by the Christy Dyer for Randall County Commissioner Precinct 1 Committee, Dottie Nation, Treasurer, 301 N. Shore Dr., Amarillo, Texas 79118